Throat Chakra


Communication, Confidence, Willpower, Faith

Express Yourself

Crystal: Lapis Lazuli

THROAT CHAKRA: neck/throat

Have you found yourself telling lies, little to no self-expression, fear of speaking up? Perhaps even a sore throat, your throat chakra is sending you a little message that things are not as they should be.

Meditation: Sit in your quiet space and imagine a glowing sky-blue ball of energy in the neck/throat. Then, imagine the energy spinning smoothly in a clockwise motion. Start repeating the affirmation below silently to yourself all the while rubbing your necklace between your fingers or simply holding the palm of your hand over your charm.

Not a meditator, simply rub your charm and whisper your Affirmation silently to yourself, anywhere, anytime.

Healing Affirmation: ‘I speak my truth and express myself openly.’

You may magically find yourself speaking your truth and able to express yourself, speaking your needs aloud, example.

Charm 16mm

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