New Beginnings


And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. You are the powerful creator of your life.

Are you feeling lost or unsure of which path to take, connect with moonstone to help you uncover your life purpose. This stone holds the energy of the moon, which nourishes your soul and illuminates your purpose. Moonstone helps you to get to know yourself on a deeper level and helps to tap into a knowing force from within you.

Like the links in the chain that are all connected to become strong, we are all connected to support each other. With stunning peach and rainbow moonstone, and a little rose quartz to remember to love yourself first.

Close your eyes, hold your bracelet in your hand, and say out loud “I live my life’s purpose” 3 times. Allow your intention to soak up into your moonstone and connect with your soul’s energy.

Wear your bracelet as a reminder to ask yourself “Am I living life with purpose”

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