Base Chakra


Stability, Safety, Foundation

Be Grounded

Crystal: Obsidian

Base Chakra: base of spine/cervical area

Feeling generally ungrounded and unsafe. Living in fear, anxiety, lack, and the ‘I don’t have enough’-ness mindset, your Base Chakra is trying to send you a message that things are not as they should be.

Meditation: Sit in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and imagine a glowing red ball of energy in the base of your spine/cervical area. Then, imagine the energy spinning smoothly in a clockwise motion start repeating the affirmation below silently to yourself all the while rubbing your necklace between your fingers or simply holding the palm of your hand over your charm.

Not a meditator, simply rub your charm and whisper your Affirmation silently to yourself anywhere anytime.

Healing Affirmation: ‘I am safe and grounded.’

You may magically find yourself sleeping better and taking walks in nature all the while feeling the soothing energy around. Feeling grateful for all you have.

Dimensions of charm 16mm

Chain Length:
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