Quiet and Calm

I was getting ready for work this morning as normal, coffee, brekky, shower and dress.

I sat on the bed to put on my socks and shoes and I just noticed how quiet it was. My head was kinda still, there was no noise in the house, it was simply silent and I could have stayed there all day, well that’s how I felt at the time. That is what meditating is like and I haven’t meditated in weeks. (Lesson Learnt)

I have been feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do with Christmas coming up, and setting up a small business shop front.

Ordering Silver, findings and gemstones to make enough gorgeous pieces for the following 8 weeks, do I have enough packaging etc. etc. etc.? OVERWHELM.

Then I sat on the bed and quietly said to myself, you know Annie, you can only do what you can do and you must take the time to fill your bucket. Be present in today and what it brings for you.

So I am here in my little shop typing my morning to you, wondering how many of us feel this overwhelm and thinking it is a little too often in this chaotic life we lead.

Meditation is back on my not negotiable agenda everyday. Lets just take 5mins to be in silence and be grateful.

Love & Hugs

Anne-Marie xo


Behind the Scenes
