Welcome to our fresh website

Welcome to our fresh new look website. We have just had a complete refresh, our old look was starting to feel chunky and not with an easy flow.

This has been a fun process and I am super happy with how the new site looks.

You will find it is so so much easier to navigate and in the coming months we will be adding Afterpay for your convenience.

I am making a huge effort to post more in here this year, I have weeks when I am buried in the day to day running of my business that my creative side take a back seat as I just feel quite fuzzy from all the information. I don’t blog, and I don’t send emails as that part of my brain needs to be fresh as I am not a natural at writing, perhaps I should simply V-log but only if that is not another thing to learn. hahahah

I love doing Reels but am not very proficient yet and i’m finding all the learning of all the things quite a challenge at times. Really all I want to do is sit down design and then create.

I hope you are all well and managing the stresses that Covid is bringing into our daily lives.

Thankyou for supporting my small business it really does mean so much to me and fills my heart with happiness daily.

Love & Hugs





The fun of a photo shoot